Author: Gaby Esono
The registrations for the 65th Rally Barcelona-Sitges are opened
The International Vintage Car Rally Barcelona-Sitges starts the 65th edition with the opening of the registration period, which begins on December 1, 2022 and ends on February 28, 2023. The dates of celebration of the Rally will be 11 and 12 March 2023. It is expected that on this occasion the Rally Barcelona-Sitges will again[…]
The Rally Barcelona-Sitges 2022 opens the door to spring
The enthusiasm of all those present was the defining feature of this edition of the Barcelona-Sitges Rally. After two years in which, due to the pandemic, for the first time since 1959 it had not been possible to celebrate the event as it is known, both participants and public and members of the organization wanted[…]
The exhibition in L’illa Diagonal arouses interest in the 2022 Rally Barcelona-Sitges
The facilities of the L’illa Diagonal shopping centre are hosting until 19 March an exhibition of vintage vehicles that are generating a great deal of expectation among the public. The exhibition is made up of four cars loaned by Grup Limousines, all of them in perfect condition, fully operational and which will officially take part[…]
The Barcelona-Sitges Rally returns in 2022
The 64th edition of the Barcelona-Sitges International Vintage Car Rally will be held on 19 and 20 March 2022. Foment de Sitges
Come and see the Rally where you’ve never seen it before
Diumenge 25 d’abril es podrà veure el Ral·li a les quatre exposicions preparades a Sitges.
The 2021 Barcelona-Sitges will be a virtual rally
Given the current situation and the measures set by PROCICAT, the Sitges Rally organization has decided to change its traditional format and offer virtual proposals.
Un Ral·li compromés i respectuós
Els dies 21, 22 i 23 de març celebrarem una nova edició del Ral·li Barcelona-Sitges que, com es tradicional, unirà les dues localitats que li donen nom per 62a vegada consecutiva. Per Foment de Sitges ha estat sempre un motiu d’orgull organitzar aquesta prova, capaç com molt poques altres de reunir joies tecnològiques d’alt valor[…]