67th edition of International veteran car rally
05 - 06 April 2025
registration closed

Figures and facts

The International vintage car rally Barcelona - sitges is one of the most knowned and oldest rallyes in its speciality in Europe


The Rally

The Rally is much more than a sporting event, is a show! Cars, motorcycles, costumes… it is all glamour.

The participants

Participants are the soul of Rally, both drivers vehicles.

The route

The route is one of the iconic points of the Rally, discover it and come to see it!

Rally Live!!

Follow the live party. Enter here to find out where the car is located

The sponsors

Would you like to join the Rally team sponsorships ? Contact us and we will study together a sponsor plan

the audience

The public of the Rally is always there and passionate for the engines… They show us their passion through their websites and blogs… Do you have one? write us…

— Collaborating hotel establishments —

These are the data that define the dimension of the Rally

These are the data that define the dimension of the Rally
65 editions for history

During these editions, there have been numerous lovers of Sitges and vintage cars, without which today this Rally could not be done

  • Veteran participants

    Vehicles previous to 1908

  • Km at the wheels ...

    Adding the kilometers traveled by all Rally vehicles in these 65 editions, you could turn around the world 10 times

  • public

    The public that follows the Rally is unconditional, petrolheads, beauty of vintage cars lovers, of the style of the early twentieth century. There are endless emblematic places where you can see the caravan, at the start of Barcelona, at the beginning of the Garraf Coast and the viewpoints, which are habilitated by the Diputació to the C-246, and at the arrive in Sitges


Organitzadors: Organizers: Foment de Sitges, Ral·li, Rally, Sitges Ajuntament de Barcelona, Rally, Ral·li Ajuntament de Sitges, Ral·li, Rally Patrocinadors: Sponsors: L'illa Diagonal, Ral·li, Rally, Barcelona RACC, Ral·li, Rally, Barcelona logo_pereventura porsche heineken Menkes, vestuari Col·laboradors:Collaborators: Coches a fondo, Rally, Sitges camping, ral·li ------ Federacio, Rally, Sitges Pannus saula Jolonch Logo-ACV-Modern motor club del bages, Ral·li Antic Car club catalunya, ral·li diaz  

Organization of the Rally

The Foment de Sitges team collect the experience from more than six decades of celebration offering a great show to the public that approaches throughout the route to see the entourage of the vintage cars
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David Rosell

Coordinator of the Ral-li for the last 8 editions, he takes over the presidency of Foment de Sitges to continue to establish the new model of organisation started in the previous stage.
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Mª Àngels Llinàs

Vice-presidenta de Foment de Sitges
Periodista, experta en gabinets de comunicació, en publicitat i parla diverses llengües. Responsable del contacte i recepció dels participants estrangers. Enllaç amb els establiments hotelers col·laboradors del Ral·li
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Núria carbonell

La secretaria és un dels elements més importants per l’organització. El punt de trobada i coordinació de totes les activitats que calen per promocionar i portar endavant el Ral·li.
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Gaby Esono

Responsable de comunicació
Periodista del motor, responsable de les relacions amb els mitjans i de les xarxes socials.
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Sònia martínez

Marqueting i continguts

Nadia Viana

Coordinadora activitats Dissabte del Ral·li i suport al Jurat de l’Elegància.
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Jordi Oliva

Uk Rally Officer
To contact Jordi, call to 07876023020 or email at rallyuk@rallybarcelonasitges.com
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Mireia Miquel Eroles

Organització interna
Experta en organització d’esdeveniments i marketing, aporta perspectiva organitzativa als esdeveniments de Foment de Sitges.

Joan Garriga

Data manager & finance

Jurat del Ral·li

Formed by experts in the world of vintage motor with members from Argentina and Belgium. The jury of elegance is made up by recognized professionals in the world of fashion

Equip de Foment de Sitges

The organization of such an event would not be possible without the support of the whole team Foment de Sitges, Àngels, Gonzalo, Ariadne, Sonia, Vinyet Joseph Nadia

Vols participar com a voluntari al Ral·li? Contacta amb nosaltres!


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